
Sunday Service at 10am

3104 Doe Run Church Road East Fallowfield, PA 19320

upcoming at our church

Upcoming Dates

Sunday Service:  Every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.  Come,  join us as we worship.  All are welcome.

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School is held each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.  We will continue with the Righteous Reign of God.  All are welcome.  Come and join us.

Choir Rehearsal: 

The Church chior reherases every Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m.  Come join us.

Boy Scouts:

Boy Scout Troop 48 meets every Thursday eveing at 7:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.

Spring Clean Up:

Saturday, April 13th at 9:00 a.m. is the time to be at the church to clean up and get ready for the seasons ahead.  Bring yoiur garden tools and come ready to make the church sparkle.

Splinter’s Group Gathering:

On the first Friday of each month the Splinters Women’s Fellowship will gather in Fellowship Hall at 11:15.  There will be devotionals and a brief business meeting.  Bring a sandwich cut into four pieces to share with others.   Come join us for the fun and fellowship.

Support for Habitat for Humanity

Over the next 12 months, Doe Run will be partnering with Habitat for Humanity of Chester County to assist with necessary items for their operation.  Habitat likes to provide gifts to the new homeowners and get supplies that they will need for their new home.  They are also always in need of supplies at the build sites to be able to get the homeowners into their homes.  The Community Program Director at Habitat for Humanity of Chester County has provided us with a list of items that they always need.  Conveniently, there are 12 items on the list, so we will focus on one item for each of the next 12 months. April’s gift is Swiffer Dusters.  Please place your donations in the laundry basket located in the front of the sanctuary, and we will send them off to Habitat at the end of the month.  Thank you to the Deacons for coordinating this project, and thank you for your support.

 AED Training
The church has purchased an AED device (defibrillator) which has been installed in the vestibule.  There are various training materials on line.  Please visit the Zoll website to view their tuitorials.


 Deacon’s Flower Calendar

The flower calendar is hanging on the door to the Nicholas Room. Please take a moment to sign up to sponsor flowers for a worship service. Cost of flowers is $25.00/bouquet. The money should be placed in the offering plate with a note with your name, the date, and that it is for flowers. Flowers may be in honor/memory of a loved one or for the glory of God.