We are God's people striving to do God's work in our congregation and the community beyond.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we intend to be a destination of peace, acceptance, and unity.

You Are Welcome at Doe Run Presbyterian

Doe Run Presbyterian Church is a vibrant group of people who seek to follow Jesus Christ through caring for one another and loving our neighbors as ourselves – always working toward a deeper understanding of just who our neighbor is.

Meet Our Church

We take prayer seriously, speaking prayers each week for ourselves and others.

Worship With Us

We gather for worship every Sunday at 10:00am. Hope to see you there!

Find Us

We are located at 3104 Doe Run Church Road
in East Fallowfield Pennsylvania.

News Updates



Sunday Worship

September 8, 2024

Worship at 10:00 a.m.

16th Sunday After Pentecost

Worship will be held at the pavilion in East Fallowfield Park with our sister church Unionville

Come, worship with us.  All are welcome


End of Summer Worship and Church Picnic

On Sunday, September 8th, we will join together with Unionville Presbyterian Church for worship and a fellowship picnic at East Fallowfield Township Park, 900 Buck Run Road. Following our 10 am worship we will have a presentation from LaMancha Animal Rescue about their program, which will conclude with a blessing of the animals service. Please plan to bring a picture of your pet or a stuffed animal representation for blessing. Please do NOT bring live animals that day. We will then enjoy a fellowship picnic. So, when packing up for church that day, please bring your lawn chair, a covered dish to share, photos or stuffed animals representing your pets, and a donation toward the work of LaMancha (See list below).

Women's Bible Study

Our Women’s Bible Study will kick off the fall season on Friday, September 13th at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall, continuing our study of the book, The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels. Please contact Deb Leonhard for more information or a copy of the book.

Adult Sunday School

Join us on Sunday, September 15th as we resume our Adult Sunday School Class at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Our curriculum is titled “Worship in the Covenant Community”, a part of the Present Word series. Over the course of the year we will move through three units: Leaders Set Worship Example, Songs of the Old Testament, and Psalms of Thanksgiving and Praise. Bill Dyke will lead this class.

Adult Bible Study & Discussion Group

We will not be meeting this week due to the session meeting.  We will meet again next week on Tuesday evening in the Ramsey Room.


Produce Sharing Table

Has your garden produced more than you and your family can consume? Or perhaps you didn’t get a garden planted this year but would love some fresh tomatoes, cucumbers or zucchini? We have placed a Produce Sharing Table in the rear of the sanctuary. This is the perfect spot to bring your excess produce, or to pick up a few items that you don’t have access to from your own garden. The only thing better than your own, home-grown, fresh produce is sharing your bounty with others!

Fall Bible Study: The Gospel of John

We’ve been invited to join UPC’s fall Bible study unlocking the hidden depths of John’s Gospel. John’s Gospel offers readers a new language―of being born anew, of living water, of wind and spirit, of the “I am”―that enhances how we understand the divine, how we experience the world, and how we participate in the mystery of faith. With her characteristic wit and charm, Amy-Jill Levine introduces readers to the world of the Gospel of John by unpacking the stories in their original context, along with examining how the text is read today. This book considers the Gospel of John in its entirety, moving through the Gospel and exploring the prologue, the wedding at Cana, the Samaritan woman at the well and the woman caught in adultery, the healing of the man at the pool and the man born blind, foot washing, Mary Magdalene and Doubting Thomas, and the Lamb of God. Unionville Presbyterian Church, Thursdays, Sept. 19-Oct. 24, 9:30-11:30 a.m. $25 (Scholarships are available)

Splinters Gathering

The Splinters (Doe Run’s Women’s group) will meet this Friday, September 6, 2024 at 11:15 am. Following the meeting and lunch (please bring a sandwich cut into quarters to share), we will join in a fun activity. Rose Ann will serve as hostess, and Nancy Bookmiller will share devotions. All women are welcome. Please plan to join us for this fun day of fellowship!

Volunteers Needed

The Fellowship Committee is looking for volunteers to assist with Sunday morning coffee hours. We all enjoy the fruit of the teams’ labors, but would like to add a few more people to the teams! If you would be interested in helping out by providing goodies with a team once every 7 weeks, please contact Lathea Moskel. Many hands make light work!


Deacon's Flower Calendar

Looking for an opportunity to brighten up our worship space? The flower calendar is hanging on the door to the Nicholas Room. Please take a moment to sign up to sponsor flowers for the worship service. Flowers can be placed in honor of or in memory of a loved one, or simply to the glory of God. The cost is $20, and money should be placed in the offering plate with a note with your name and indicating that the money is for flowers. 

AED Training

The church has purchased an AED device (defibrillator) which has been installed in the vestibule.

There are various raining materials on line.  Please visit the Zoll website to view their tutorials.



Give to Doe Run Online

To contribute to Doe Run online you can follow the button below.