
Sunday Service at 10am

3104 Doe Run Church Road East Fallowfield, PA 19320

We are God's people striving to do God's work in our congregation and the community beyond.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we intend to be a destination of peace, acceptance, and unity.

You Are Welcome at Doe Run Presbyterian

Doe Run Presbyterian Church is a vibrant group of people who seek to follow Jesus Christ through caring for one another and loving our neighbors as ourselves – always working toward a deeper understanding of just who our neighbor is.

Meet Our Church

We take prayer seriously, speaking prayers each week for ourselves and others.

Worship With Us

We gather for worship every Sunday at 10:00am. Hope to see you there!

Find Us

We are located at 3104 Doe Run Church Road
in East Fallowfield Pennsylvania.

News Updates



Sunday Worship

July 21, 2024

8th Sunday After Pentecost

10:00 a.m.

Come, worship with us.  All are welcome

Adult Bible Study & Discussion Group

We will meet on Tuesday evening, July23 rd at 6:30 pm in the Ramsey Room. I will have printed copies of the material available, but we are working on the assumption that participants have read the article prior to class. (Just the article – not necessarily the additional materials). We’ve had lively discussion in previous weeks.

This week’s topic: “Having Survived Assassination Attempt, Former President Trump Promises Speech to Bring Country Together”  Hope to see you there!


New Members Gathering

We are working to reschedule our New Member Gathering, an opportunity for members of Session to meet together with anyone who would like to become a member of Doe Run Presbyterian Church. We will share lunch together and spend time getting to know one another better and exploring the ins and outs of church membership. This gathering is open to anyone interested in membership. We will celebrate the addition of these new members during a worship service this summer.

Women's Bible Study

The Women’s Bible Study will resume after a pause for summer vacation.

Volunteers Needed

The Fellowship Committee is looking for volunteers to assist with Sunday morning coffee hours. We all enjoy the fruit of the teams’ labors, but would like to add a few more people to the teams! If you would be interested in helping out by providing goodies with a team once every 7 weeks, please contact Lathea Moskel. Many hands make light work!


Support for Habitat for Humanity

Over the next 12 months, Doe Run will be partnering with Habitat for Humanity of Chester County to assist with necessary items for their operation.  Habitat likes to provide gifts to the new homeowners and get supplies that they will need for their new homes.  They are also always in need of supplies at the build sites to be able to get the homeowners into their homes.  The Community Program Director at Habitat for Humanity of Chester County has provided us with a list of items that they always need.  Conveniently, there are 12 items on the list, so we will focus on one item for each of the next 12 months. July’s item is Paint Brushes / Paint Rollers / Paint Roller Trays.  Please place your donations in the laundry basket located, at the front of the sanctuary and we will send them off to Habitat at the end of the month.  Thanks to the Deacons for coordinating this project, and thanks for your support!


Deacon's Flower Calendar

Looking for an opportunity to brighten up our worship space? The flower calendar is hanging on the door to the Nicholas Room. Please take a moment to sign up to sponsor flowers for the worship service. Flowers can be placed in honor of or in memory of a loved one, or simply to the glory of God. The cost is $20, and money should be placed in the offering plate with a note with your name and indicating that the money is for flowers. 

AED Training

The church has purchased an AED device (defibrillator) which has been installed in the vestibule.

There are various raining materials on line.  Please visit the Zoll website to view their tutorials.



Give to Doe Run Online

To contribute to Doe Run online you can follow the button below.