“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.”
(Deuteronomy 6:5)
Our family eats dinner together as often as possible. We’ve never explicitly made a rule about screens
at the table, but we honor this time with our attention and shut down our distracting devices. Sometimes,
when we come together around the table, we’ve had a bad day and are feeling grumpy. Other times, my kids
have been fighting and don’t like each other very much. Our conversations aren’t always happy, or deep.
Talking with teenagers often gets responses like “Yeah” or “Sure”, a nod or an eye roll. Yet, still we gather.
It’s our ritual of love that keeps us bound together as a family.
As we come to the close of Lent and the last of these daily devotions, I pray this time spent with God has
born faithful fruit. Today, think back on your Lenten journey. What did you learn about yourself along the
way? What did you learn about God? Would you like to continue practicing examine? Loving God means
honoring our Savior with our time and attention. Not every day’s devotional practice will yield deep thoughts
or life-altering epiphanies. But love is a choice we make every day, a relational practice that requires us to
show up — just like Christ shows up for us. May God bless you in your continued faith practice. May you
love and be loved.
Examine: Recall a time when you gathered with people you love. Breathe. Notice thoughts and feelings that arise.
Imagine: Imagine yourself setting aside time to spend with God, sitting at a table with your Savior. Sit in God’s presence and
breathe deep. Recognize God’s full attention on you, on your life and your concerns. Love God with your attention.
What do you notice in this moment? What do you feel? What do you learn?
Pray: Free me for love, O God, so I can live with heart