upcoming at our church

Upcoming Dates

Sunday Service: 

Sunday, December 1st worship will be held in the sanctuary at 10:00 a.m.  Come, worship with us and share the joy. 

Produce Sharing Table

Has your garden produced more than you and your family can consume? Or perhaps you didn’t get a garden planted this year but would love some fresh tomatoes, cucumbers or zucchini? We have placed a Produce Sharing Table in the rear of the sanctuary. This is the perfect spot to bring your excess produce, or to pick up a few items that you don’t have access to from your own garden. The only thing better than your own, home-grown, fresh produce is sharing your bounty with others!

Women’s Bible Study

 Join us in the fall for our study of the book, The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels. Please contact Deb Leonhard for more information or a copy of the book.

Adult Sunday School: 

Join us on Sunday, as we continue our Adult Sunday School Class at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Our curriculum is titled “Worship in the Covenant Community”, a part of the Present Word series. Over the course of the year we will move through three units: Leaders Set Worship Example, Songs of the Old Testament, and Psalms of Thanksgiving and Praise. Bill Dyke will lead this class.

Volunteers Needed:

The Fellowship Committee is looking for volunteers to assist with Sunday morning coffee hours. We all enjoy the fruit of the teams’ labors, but would like to add a few more people to the teams! If you would be interested in helping out by providing goodies with a team once every 7 weeks, please contact Lathea Moskel. Many hands make light work!

Boy Scouts:

Boy Scout Troop 48 meets every Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.  Did you know that you can recycle your scrap metal and support our local Boy Scout troop at the same time? Visit “Scouting for Scrap Metal—Boy Scout Troop 48” on Facebook, or speak with Jake Hewson, to discuss ways that your junk can help fund Scout projects. This is especially relevant to us as one of the troop members is working on his Eagle Scout project right here at Doe Run—building steps and a handrail to make our fire pit area more accessible. 

Splinter’s Group Gathering:

On the first Friday of each month the Splinters Women’s Fellowship will gather in Fellowship Hall at 11:15.  There will be devotionals and a brief business meeting.  Bring a sandwich cut into four pieces to share with others.   Come join us for the fun and fellowship.

 AED Training
The church has purchased an AED device (defibrillator) which has been installed in the vestibule.  There are various training materials on line.  Please visit the Zoll website to view their tuitorials.


 Deacon’s Flower Calendar

The flower calendar is hanging on the door to the Nicholas Room. Please take a moment to sign up to sponsor flowers for a worship service. Cost of flowers is $25.00/bouquet. The money should be placed in the offering plate with a note with your name, the date, and that it is for flowers. Flowers may be in honor/memory of a loved one or for the glory of Go