
Sunday Service at 10am

3104 Doe Run Church Road East Fallowfield, PA 19320

Lenten Devotionals Monday March 27, 2023: Burdened by Addiction

“God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.”  (2 Timothy 1:7)

When we hear the word “addiction,” alcohol and drugs come quickly to mind.  But any substance, pleasure or means of escape can become an addiction.  An addiction is a dependency.  It is the p;persistent and intense urge to engage in a behavior or consume a substance that causes us immediate or long term harm.  Some substances, such as nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, alcohol and opiods, are designed to get us hooked.  But we can also become addicted to sugar, sex, prescription drugs, gambling, even our phones-substances or behaviors that, when abused or used disproportionately, can have severe and harmful consequences.

The God who created us and loves us desires our health and well-being.  God also created us with the power to grow in self-discipline.  But to break the hold of addiction, we must examine ourselves and our behaviors honestly and seek resources of support and help.  We cannot pray our addictions away.  But our faith can inspire the humility and honesty required to get the help we need.  God does not desire our suffering.  We are God’s beloved.  God desires our liberation from that which seeks to control and harm us.

Examine:  Consider your cravings.  What substance has more control over you than you would like or feels unhealthy?  Are there actions you feel compelled to do?  Breathe.  Notice thoughts and feelings that arise as you consider this craving.

Imagine:  Imagine access to your drug or addiction has been taken away.  What does your dependency feel like?

Pray:  Free me from this burden, O God, so I can live with your blessing.